Thursday, October 11, 2012

Traveling Solo - Japan (2)

Saw this on my Google+ this morning :)
can't wait to be there in person!!
So here's the final draft of the itinerary...  Let's see how it plays out...

* Secondary POI / restaurant.  ** Visit if fall foliage can be seen already. 

Day 1:  Arrive at Kansai Airport at 0530, clear custom and buy the 1-way Haruka+ICOCA (¥3,000) and 4-day Kansai West Pass (¥7,000) at the ticket counter.  The first Haruka departing for Kyoto leaves at 0629 (otherwise, the next train leaves 0729) arriving in Kyoto at 0759 or 0905.  Click here for Schedule.  Buy a City Bus All-day Pass (¥500), grab a bus map, and take #206 from D2 outside the JR Kyoto Station (JR京都) to the hostel.  Leave luggage with hostel.

Nishiki Market (錦市場) (~¥2,000) / Ginkakuji Temple (銀閣寺) (¥500) / Philosopher's Path (哲學之道) / Nanzenji Temple* (南禪寺) / Heian Shrine (安神宮) (¥600) / Gion (祗園)

Mishima-tei (三嶋亭本店) (~¥5,000) / Rokuseisa-tei (六盛茶庭) (~¥2,000) / Okakita (岡北) (~¥1,000)

京煎堂 - 豆煎餅(まめあわせ) 豌豆味 一包10 (¥525)
三木雞卵 - 蛋卷 (だし卷) () (¥380)
こんなもんじゃ - 豆乳甜甜圈 10 (¥250) & 豆乳冰淇淋 (¥250) & 豆乳酪約 (¥350)

Day 2:   Buy another City Bus All-day Pass (¥500).  Take bus #206 to hostel #2 near Shichijo (七条)

POI:  Kiyomizu Temple (清水寺) (¥300) / Jishu Jinja Shrine (地主神社) / Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka (二,三年板) / Kodaiji Temple* (高台寺) (¥600) / Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社) / Nijo Castle (二条城) (¥600) / Monster Street Festival (百鬼夜行

Restaurants: Yoshimura* (よしむら) (soba-¥2,000) / Tenshu (天周) (穴子天丼-¥1,100) / Kagizen (鍵善良房) (黑糖くずきり~¥1,000) / 澤屋 (粟餅-¥510) / いづう (鯖姿壽司~¥2,500) / Kushi Tanaka* (串たなか) (~¥5,000) / 浪花ひとくち餃子 (¥280)

地主神社 - お守り (¥500-¥1,000)
一保堂茶舖 - 抹茶スターターセットはじめの一保堂【秋限定抹茶「月影」20g箱入】(¥5,300)
七味家 - 京の香り2ヶ入 (HK10) (¥1,259)
よーじや - あぶらとり紙 10冊組 (¥3,360) 口紅おさえ紙 5個セット (¥1,050) 
*The aloe vera facial oil blotting paper is only available at the Kansai airport

Day 3: Walk to Kyoto Station (~15 minutes) and use ICOCA to take  JR 山陰本線 (0707-reference blogger were at the line by 0715 and noted the line starts building around 0740) to Umahori Station (JR馬堀) (~22 minutes, ¥320) (0731).  Walk to Torokko Kameoka Station (トロッコ亀岡) (~10 minutes) and buy tickets to the Sagano Sightseeing Train (嵯峨野特羅克列車) (¥600) (For best views, try and get even number seats in cart #5, first train leaves at 9:35am, must be there early!  No pre-sale for cart #5.)  The train ride is ~20 minutes.  Alight at Torokko Arashiyama Station (トロッコ嵐山).  

Take Randen-Arashiyama line (嵐山本線) from Arashiyama Station (嵐山) to Katano-Hakubaicho Station (北野白梅町) (¥200).  Transfer at Katabiranotsuji Station (帷子ノ辻) to the Kitano line (北野線).  Take city bus #205 from Katano-Hakubaicho Station to Kinkakuji-michi (金閣寺道) (¥220).  Take city bus #205 from Kinkakuji-michi to Shichijo (¥220).  

*There is a Randen value ticket (¥500) which includes unlimited rides on the Randen (¥200 per ride) plus 2 hours for rental bike (normally ¥500).  It also allows a free entry to the foot soak (normally ¥150) at the Arashiyama station. However, this ticket is only sold at Shijoomiya Station‎ (嵐電四条大宮), Katabiranotsuji Station, and Katano-Hakubaicho Station.  Will have to make a stop on Day 2 if decided to buy.

POI:  Jojakkoji Temple** (常寂光寺) (¥400) / Sagano Bamboo Path (嵯峨野竹林) / Nonomiya Shrine (野宮神社) (齊宮行列 Parade / March starts at noon) / Street of Arashiyama (嵐山大街) / Tenryuji Temple (天龍寺) (¥500) / Togetsukyo Bridge (渡月橋) / Arashiyama Park (嵐山公園) / Arashiyama Foot Soak (嵐電足湯) (¥150) / Kinkakuji Temple (金閣寺) (¥500) / Kitano Tenmangu Shrine* (北野天滿宮)

Restaurants:  Hirokawa (うなぎ屋 廣川) (~¥5,000) / Kyoto Ramen (博多 一幸舎京都拉麺小路店) (黒ラーメン-¥700) 

Note: If you can afford it, you may want to try Kitcho Arashiyama (吉兆嵐山本店).  Lunch starts at ¥36,750, dinner at ¥42,000. "It is considered one of the finest restaurants in the world. It has won just about every award a restaurant can attain, including 3 Michelin stars AND all 5 forks and knives." - Quote from Chowhound.  I am saving this restaurant for a very special occasion :)

三忠豆腐 ごま豆腐 (¥350)にしんそば (¥400)  
古都芋本舖 - ice cream (¥250)
鶴屋寿 - 嵐山 さ久ら餅 (¥670)
中村屋 - 可樂餅 (¥80)
ARINCO - 秋限定スイーツ シーズンロール (600)

Day 4:  Walk from hostel #2 to hostel #3 (~20 minutes).  Buy a Kurama-Kibune one-day ticket (¥1,220).  Board from Tofukuji Station (京板東福寺) on 0813, alight at Kibuneguchi Station (板貴船口) at 0907.  Take bus #33 (¥160) to Kibune Shrine (~5 minutes).  To conserve energy, take bus #33 back to Kibuneguchi Station and board train to Kurama Station (京板鞍馬) (¥160).  Otherwise, walk the 木之根道 to Kurama (~2 hours).  Board train from Kurama Station and return to Tofukuji Station.

POI: Kibune Shrine 貴船神社 / 木之根參道 (有枴杖免費出租) / Kurama Temple (鞍馬寺) (可坐覽車往返仁王門和多寶塔) / Yuki Jinjya Shrine (由岐神社) / Kurama Himatsuri Festival (鞍馬火祭)  *The Jidai Festival (時代祭) is happening today too.

Restaurants:  Hirobun* (ひろ文) (*流しそうめん is only offered between May and September) / Denbei (伝兵衛) (釜めし-¥2,500) / Yoshuji (雍州路) (くらま山の膳-¥2,600) / Marugame Seimen (丸亀製麺)

多聞堂 - 牛若餅 
渡辺木の芽煮本舗 - 木の芽煮

Day 5:  Buy a Uji-Fushimi one-day ticket (¥600).  Board from Tofukuji Station (京板東福寺) on 0945, transfer at Chushojima Station (京板中書島), alight at Uji Station (京阪宇治) at 1028.  Board from Uji Station on 1432 or 1502, alight at Chushojima Station on 1446 or 1516.  Board from Fushimimomoyama Station (京板伏見桃山) to Tofukuji Station to return to hostel.

POI:  Tofukuji Temple** (東福寺) / Ujigami Jinja (
宇治上神社) / Byodoin Temple (平等院) (¥300) / 対鳳庵 (¥400) / Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum (月桂冠大倉記念館) (¥300) / Gokounomiya Shrine* (御香宮神社)

*The Phoenix Hall at Byodoin Temple is undergoing major repair from September 2012 to March 2014.  Reduced entrance fee will be charged during this time.

Restaurants: Tokichi (中村藤吉本店) (
藤吉うどんset--¥980, 竹筒綠茶甜品-¥720) / Torisei (鳥せゑ) (10% off coupon) / Genya* (玄屋) (辛味酒粕ラーメン-¥830, とりの唐揚げ-¥650) /  大黒ラーメン* (チャーシュー麺-¥580) (There are 2 stores, one in Fushimi-momoyama and the other is in Tofukuji.)

伊藤久右衛門綠茶豆沙餅(本店限定)( ¥194) *5% off coupon
吟醸酒房 油長 - Present one-day train ticket for 10% discount

Day 6:   Use the JR West Kansai WIDE Area 4-Day Pass for all JR rides for the next 4 days for maximum savings and ICOCA for subways.  Take JR
奈良線 from JR Tofukuji Station to JR Inari Station (JR稻荷) (~5 minutes, ¥140).  Take JR奈良線 to return to Kyoto Station (~5 minutes, ¥140).  Pick up luggage from hostel and walk to Kyoto Station.  Take JR東海道・山陽本線 from Kyoto Station (1224) to Yamazaki Station (1238) (~15 minutes, ¥210).  Take JR東海道・山陽本線 from Yamazaki Station (JR山崎) to Osaka Station (JR大阪) (~27 minutes, ¥450).  Walk to Umeda Station (梅田) and take 御堂筋線 to Shinsaibashi Station (心齋橋) (~6 minutes, ¥230).  Walk to hostel #4.  Take 御堂筋線 from Shinsaibashi Station to Dobutsuenmae Station (動物園前) (~7 minutes, ¥230) for SPA World.  Take the reverse back to hostel (~7 minutes, ¥230).

POI: Fushimi Inari Shrine ( 伏見稻荷大社) / Suntory Yamazaki Distillery (山崎蒸餾所) / Kuromon Market (黑門市場) / Nanba (
難波)-Dotonbori (道頓堀)-Shinsaibashi (心齋橋) / SPA World (¥1,000 entry promotion)

Restaurants: Idumatsu ( いづ松) (鯖寿司 ¥1,300) / Hamatou (黑門濱藤本店- or 清花¥5,500) / Kani Douraku* (蟹道樂本店) Momiji (lunch) ¥3,500, Sazanka (dinner) ¥4,800) / Amimoto Bekkann* (網元別館) Special Autumn Lunch Kaiseki ¥4,000, Crab Kaiseki Dinner ¥7,000 (30 sets a day, prior reservation required) / Kushikatu Daruma (元祖串かつ だるま) / 八重勝 / 本家大たこ / 美津のお好み焼き / 北極星 (牛肉蛋包飯-ビーフオムライス-¥770)

Day 7:  Take  長堀鶴見緑地線 from Shinsaibashi Station to Morinomiya Station (森之宮), transfer to JR大阪環状線 and alight at Osakajokoen Station (大板城公園) (~25 minutes, ¥230+¥120).  From Osakajokoen, take JR大阪環状線 to Kyobashi Station (京橋) and transfer to 京阪本線.  Alight at Kitahama Station (北濱) (~20 minutes, ¥250).  

To Asahi, take 
堺筋線 from Kitahama Station to Suita Station (吹田) (~35 minutes, ¥380).  It changes to 阪急千里線 at Tenjinbashisuji Rokuchome Station (天神橋筋六丁目).  Take JR東海道・山陽本線 from JR Suita Station to JR Osaka Station (~22 minutes, ¥170).  Take 御堂筋線 to Shinsaibashi Station (心齋橋) (~6 minutes, ¥230) to return to the hostel.  

*Call Asahi to check if there is still room at the tour.  Otherwise, either go to the Ramen Noodle Museum or walk around Osaka some more.

To Ramen Noodle Museum, Take
御堂筋線 from Yodoyabashi Station (淀屋橋) to Umeda Station.  Transfer to 阪急宝塚線 and alight at Ikeda Station (池田) (~30 minutes, ¥460).

POI:  Osakajokoen ( 大板城公園) (
天守閣¥600) / Nakanoshima Park* (中之島公園) / Asahi (吹田朝日啤酒工廠) / Ramen Noodle Museum* (安藤百福方便麵博物館) / Umeda Sky Building - Floating Garden Observatory* (梅田天空大廈空中花園展望台) (¥700) / Umeda (梅田)

Restaurants: P
laisir (Kobe Beef Teppanyaki Lunch Special-¥3,150) / Shibato (本家柴藤) (柴藤流おひつまむし-¥3,100) / 弁天本店* (ちゃんこ鍋-¥1,480 / 弁天別館* (北海セイロ飯-¥1,659) / Shamo (闘雞次郎) (燒鳥盛合-雞心,雞胗,雞胸肉,雞腿+,雞肝,雞肉丸子-¥640, 雞肉刺身-雞肝,雞心,雞胸肉,雞胸肉,雞胗-¥820) / 地鶏専門 たか鳥* / King Emon* (金久右衛門本店) (金醬油拉面-¥650) / Ichiran Ramen (一蘭拉面

Day 8:  Take
御堂筋線 from Shinsaibashi Station to Tennoji Station (天王寺) (0906) (10 minutes, ¥230).  Transfer to JRくろしお (0921) (Platform 15, 2hrs7mins, ¥5,130), alight at Shirahama Station (JR白浜) (1128).  Take Meiko Bus (明光巴士) to hotel.

POI:  Sandanbeki (三段壁) / Senjojiki (千疊敷) / Sakinoyu (崎之湯) (¥400) / Engetsu Island (圓月島) / Shirasuna (白浪濱) / 足湯橫丁 

Restaurant: Osyokuji Mon* (お食事「もん」) / Fuusya (活魚・鍋料理 風車) (天然本くえ小鍋付き・昼限定-¥3,120) / Tyokyo (長久酒場) (~¥1,350)

Day 9:  Take bus to Tore Tore Market and to Shirahama Station.  Take JR
くろしお from Shirahama Station (1447), transfer at Hineno Station (日根野) (1634)(1hr47mins) to JR関西空港線 (1652) towards Kansai International Airport.  Alight at Kansaikuko Station.  (1702) (10 minutes). (¥4,600)

POI / Restaurant:  Tore Tore Market (幸鮨)

Shopping: 薯條三兄弟

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